
Dutch Involvement In The Transatlantic Slave Trade And Abolition

On 1 July 1863, slavery was abolished in the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. This ended a period of around 200 years of slavery in these colonies. To mark the 150th anniversary of Dutch abolition in 2013, various activities have been organized, including exhibitions in the National Library of the Netherlands, the History Museum of The Hague, and the University of Amsterdam.
To coincide with these commemorations and provide background information, the Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre Leiden has compiled the present web dossier on Dutch involvement in the slave trade. It contains titles published in the past ten years, all of which are available in the ASC Library. Each title links directly to the corresponding record in the library’s online catalogue, which provides further bibliographic details and abstracts, loan information, and links to full text if available. The dossier concludes with links to a number of relevant web sites.

Cycling in the Netherlands in the 1950s

A collection of colorful images of the Dutch cycling in the 1950s. In villages, in cities, for work, for pleasure: the Dutch cycled all over their country in great numbers. Even greater numbers than today.

Taalunie ~ Wie zijn wij? Plus: Links naar online lesmateriaal

De Nederlandse taal
Het Nederlands is een officiële taal in Nederland, België (Vlaanderen en Brussel), Suriname, Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten. Maar liefst 24 miljoen mensen spreken Nederlands. Voor al die mensen speelt de taal een belangrijke rol: het maakt deel uit van hun identiteit en cultuur en biedt kansen binnen hun samenleving en daarbuiten. De Taalunie is de beleidsorganisatie die het Nederlands ondersteunt.

De Nederlandse taal
Het Nederlands is een officiële taal in Nederland, België (Vlaanderen en Brussel), Suriname, Aruba, Curaçao en Sint-Maarten. Maar liefst 24 miljoen mensen spreken Nederlands. Voor al die mensen speelt de taal een belangrijke rol: het maakt deel uit van hun identiteit en cultuur en biedt kansen binnen hun samenleving en daarbuiten. De Taalunie is de beleidsorganisatie die het Nederlands ondersteunt.


Links naar Online lesmateriaal voor anderstaligen:

Albert Both ~ Is it really that difficult to learn Dutch?

Is learning Dutch really that difficult? Most Dutch people would say yes, and it even seems that, in secret, they love this idea. Many people who try to learn Dutch as a foreign language complain about it. But is it true? Albert Both from Talencoach has the answer!
The answer? Yes, learning Dutch can almost seem impossible. That is, if you don’t know how to do it. The good news is that if you learn to think in a new way, then, all of a sudden, speaking Dutch can be relatively easy. Here are some tips to put you on the right track:

Good news for multilinguals

You may have heard many times from many different people that speaking Dutch is extremely difficult. Even linguistically talented people who speak three or four other languages somehow encounter some real challenges when they try to speak Dutch. Therefore, it is easy to believe that something about the language must be extremely tough.

However, if you look at the Dutch language, you will soon discover that it is actually one of the closest languages to English. And, although Dutch people don’t always like to admit this, you could actually see it as a kind of German-light.

Many Dutch words look like English words. If you know other languages such as French, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese, you’ll discover that many more words will look familiar to you. For example, words like “triest” (sad) or “duren” (to take time) make perfect sense if you speak one of these languages.

Read more:

Ten things you need to know about the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a founding member of the European Union. The country is densely populated and has around 17 million inhabitants. We have collected ten facts you need to know about the country – and some of them may seem weird to you.

Memory of the Netherlands ~ Het geheugen van Nederland

The Memory of the Netherlands is a database containing paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, ceramics, stamps, posters and newspaper clippings from more than a hundred Dutch museums, archives and libraries. You can roam about in The Memory of the Netherlands, but you can also search the database for images about specific subjects.
Look at images by Institution.
Look at images by Subject.

Search Delpher as well
Are you looking for information about a particular subject? Do you want to know more about a political-societal subject, your place of residence or your family?  Then the website Delpher offers a great supplement to the illustrations contained in The Memory of the Netherlands. Delpher gives you access to four centuries of digitized news from newspapers, periodicals and radio bulletins, and to hundreds of thousands of books. Search Delpher.

Koninklijke Bibliotheek
The Memory of the Netherlands is a service of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. All the digital images are stored at the KB and the website of the Memory is maintained there. The various collections contained in The Memory of the Netherlands were compiled in cooperation with the participating museums, libraries and archives. These are the participating heritage institutions in The Memory of the Netherlands.

History of The Memory of the Netherlands
The Memory of the Netherlands is one of the oldest and most frequently visited databases on the art, culture and history of the Netherlands. It developed from a digitization programme aimed at enabling Dutch heritage institutions to gain experience with digitization and making collections accessible through the Internet.  The programme was funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and ran from 1999-2009. The Koninklijke Bibliotheek carried out the programme.
The programme has now come to end. The last collections were added to the website in 2012. Since then it is no longer possible to add new collections to The Memory.  This will remain the case for the time being. The Koninklijke Bibliotheek will continue to maintain the website.

Where possible, The Memory of the Netherlands supplies images to the European database Europeana.

Rijksoverheid ~ Wat moet ik regelen als ik in Nederland kom wonen en werken?

Als u in Nederland bent, moet u een aantal zaken regelen. U moet bijvoorbeeld inschrijven bij de gemeente waar u gaat wonen. Dit geldt voor een asielzoeker, maar ook voor een inwoner van een EU-land die in Nederland komt werken.

Voor u naar Nederland komt
Voordat u naar Nederland verhuist, moet u meestal in uw land van herkomst al het nodige regelen. Denk hierbij aan:
– het legaliseren van belangrijke documenten, zoals diploma’s;
– het aanvragen van een visum.

Als u in Nederland bent
– U moet veel regelen als u in Nederland komt wonen en werken. Enkele voorbeelden:
– u schrijft u in bij de gemeente;
– u leert Nederlands;
– u sluit een zorgverzekering af;
– u zoekt een huisarts.

Nieuw in Nederland (voor Europese arbeidsmigranten)
Komt u uit de Europese Unie en u wilt werken en wonen in Nederland? Dan is deze brochure voor u! De brochure bevat informatie om …
Brochure | 13-11-2018

Nieuw in Nederland (voor asielgerechtigden, gezinsvormers, gezinsherenigers)
De brochure bevat informatie om u op weg te helpen in de Nederlandse samenleving. U leest hierin onder andere over wat u moet …
Brochure | 28-09-2016

Kernwaarden van de Nederlandse samenleving
De brochure bevat informatie om u op weg te helpen in de Nederlandse samenleving. U leest hierin onder andere over wat u moet …
Brochure | 22-05-2014

Waar kan ik mij laten registreren als niet-ingezetene in de BRP (ook wel bekend als RNI)?

Woont u voor een periode korter dan 4 maanden in Nederland? Dan kunt u zich laten inschrijven als niet-ingezetene in de …
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