Marc Resch: Only In Holland, Only The Dutch

This book delves into the psyche, culture, history, values and distinctiveness of Holland and its people. It sheds light on the mysteriousness that pervades throughout the country as well as explains the working and social behaviors of the Dutch. Only in Holland, Only the Dutch takes an intelligent, and often times humorous, look into the many idiosyncrasies of Holland and those who call it home; as well as exploring the incredible impact that the industrious Dutch had on virtually all corners of the globe.


Cover design: sunnyny
Lay-out Ingrid Bouws

Only in Holland, Only the Dutch examines many of the Dutch progressive, yet controversial, social polices and offers captivating comparisons with other cultures throughout the world. The book, while useful to visitors, is not just another travel guide. Only in Holland, Only the Dutch takes a behind the scenes look at Holland and its people and offers an insider’s perspective on the many intricacies and fascinating facets of the Dutch culture.

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