Vanaf 1 januari 2022 gaat de nieuwe Wet Inburgering in. Het doel van de nieuwe wet is dat inburgeraars zo snel mogelijk meedoen in Nederland. En dat inburgeraars ook zo snel mogelijk werk vinden.
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Moet u beginnen met inburgeren voor 1 januari 2022? Dan verandert er voor u niets. Op de rest van deze site leest u wat u moet doen.
Moet u beginnen met inburgeren op 1 januari 2022 of later? Dan krijgt u eerst een brief dat u moet inburgeren. En pas later een brief vanaf wanneer u moet inburgeren. Inburgeren werkt voor u anders.
In November 2010, the New Netherland Research Center at the New York State Library opened to the public. At the NNRC, students, educators, scholars and researchers can access translations of early Dutch colonial manuscripts and a vast collection of works that tell the fascinating story of the Dutch global reach during the American colonial period and its lasting impact on today’s world.
In 1974, the New Netherland Project began to translate and transcribe the 12,000 pages of Dutch-language administrative records from the archives of New Netherland, now in the collections of the New York State Archives and Albany County Hall of Records. The New Netherland Research Center continues this work.
De inwerkingtreding van de Wet inburgering, die gepland staat op 1 juli 2021, wordt opgeschoven. Het streven is om de invoering van de wet met een half jaar door te schuiven, naar 1 januari 2022. Dit schrijft minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid in een brief aan de Tweede Kamer.
In de afgelopen periode ontving de minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid signalen over risico’s in relatie tot de beoogde invoeringsdatum van 1 juli 2021. De gesignaleerde risico’s zijn uiteenlopend van aard en zwaarte, en verschillen per partij. Wat zowel de Rijksoverheid, gemeenten als andere betrokken organisaties raakt, zijn de gevolgen van de coronacrisis. Deze gevolgen zetten de beschikbare capaciteit om voorbereidingen te treffen op de invoering van het nieuwe inburgeringsstelsel onder druk. De minister neemt de risico’s uiterst serieus. Daarom is besloten te streven naar een invoeringsdatum van de Wet inburgering op 1 januari 2022.
De belangrijke overweging bij de verplaatsing van de invoeringsdatum is dat de complexiteit van de stelselherziening zorgvuldig moet gebeuren zodat alle ketenpartners voorbereid aan hun (nieuwe) taak kunnen beginnen. Of inwerktreding van de Wet inburgering op 1 januari 2022 haalbaar is, zal moeten blijken na het raadplegen van de ketenpartners over wanneer en onder welke voorwaarden invoering wel haalbaar en verantwoord is. Ook de gevolgen van het uitstel worden in kaart gebracht.
De verplaatsing van de ingangsdatum neemt niet weg dat alle ketenpartners hebben uitgesproken zich onverminderd te blijven inzetten voor de voorbereidingen van de implementatie en te investeren in de ketensamenwerking.
The Afsluitdijk (English: Enclosure Dam) is a major causeway in the Netherlands. It is damming off the Waddenzee, a salt water inlet of the North Sea, from the fresh water lake of the IJsselmeer.
It was constructed between 1927 and 1933 and runs over a length of 32 kilometres (20 miles) and a width of 90 m, at an initial height of 7.25 m above sea-level.
The Afsluitdijk is a fundamental part of the larger Zuiderzee Works, a manmade system of dams, land reclamation and water drainage works, the largest hydraulic engineering project undertaken by the Netherlands during the twentieth century. Its main purposes are to improve flood protection and create additional land for agriculture.
Beside the dam itself is also the necessary construction of two complexes of shipping locks and discharge sluices at both ends of the dike. The complex at Den Oever includes the Stevin lock and 3 series of 5 sluices for discharging the IJsselmeer into the Wadden Sea. The other complex at Kornwerderzand is composed of the Lorentz locks and 2 series of 5 sluices. In total there are 25 discharge sluices. It is necessary to routinely discharge water from the lake since it is continually fed by rivers and stream and polders draining their water into the IJsselmeer.
The Afsluitdijk is protecting the Netherlands from the sea for more than eighty years. However, the dyke no longer meets the current requirements for flood protection.
Rijkswaterstaat is therefore going to reinforce the Afsluitdijk. The body of the dyke will be widened and raised by about 2 metres and the cladding on the outer side will be replaced. Concrete blocks will be placed over the existing basalt blocks on the lower slope. These ‘Levvel blocks’ weigh 6,500 kilograms each and have a wave retardant effect. Because of their symmetry and the regular way they are positioned, the blocks have a tranquil appearance that reinforces the austere and autonomous character of the dyke. Every block will be GPS chipped, making them easy to inspect and maintain.
The sluices at Den Oever and Kornwerderzand will be reinforced and flood locks will be built in front of the navigation locks on the Wadden Sea side. These storm surge barriers can be closed in extreme weather conditions to protect the navigation locks from the force of the water.
To allow more water to be discharged from the IJsselmeer into the Wadden Sea, extra sluices and a pumping station will be built at Den Oever. The fish friendly pumps are low energy and are powered by renewable energy from solar panels on the Afsluitdijk.
The site is one of the biggest and most complete online resources of information about the Delta Works and water management in the Netherlands.
The Delta Works are viewable in many ways on our website. Through the use of photographs, animations, audio, video and virtual tours we try to give you a complete picture of the enormous scale of all the different works. The site is ideal as a resource for your thesis, or to show your family and friends (possibly abroad) this small marvel of Dutch Water Engineering.
Since 2004 we have worked very hard on DeltaWorks Online. Over 40 volunteers, students and professionals have helped with the construction of our own small deltawork. Thanks to their support our current website covers over 1400+ pages illustrated with over 2000+ multimedia items.
William I, Prince of Orange (24 April 1533 – 10 July 1584), also known as William the Silent or William the Taciturn (translated from Dutch: Willem de Zwijger), or more commonly known as William of Orange (Dutch: Willem van Oranje), was the main leader of the Dutch Revolt against the Spanish Habsburgs that set off the Eighty Years’ War (1568–1648) and resulted in the formal independence of the United Provinces in 1581. He was born into the House of Nassau as Count of Nassau-Dillenburg. He became Prince of Orange in 1544 and is thereby the founder of the Orange-Nassau branch and the ancestor of the monarchy of the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, he is also known as Father of the Fatherland (Dutch: Vader des Vaderlands).
A wealthy nobleman, William originally served the Habsburgs as a member of the court of Margaret of Parma, governor of the Spanish Netherlands. Unhappy with the centralisation of political power away from the local estates and with the Spanish persecution of Dutch Protestants, William joined the Dutch uprising and turned against his former masters. The most influential and politically capable of the rebels, he led the Dutch to several successes in the fight against the Spanish. Declared an outlaw by the Spanish king in 1580, he was assassinated by Balthasar Gérard (also written as “Gerardts”) in Delft in 1584. is bedoeld voor alle geïnteresseerden in de Nederlandse cultuur en geschiedenis, en in het bijzonder voor leerlingen en docenten in midden- en bovenbouw basisonderwijs en onderbouw voortgezet onderwijs.
Geschiedenis van deze site
Deze website is ontwikkeld in opdracht van stichting en het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum. In 2006 werd de eerste versie van de website gepresenteerd door de commissie Ontwikkeling Nederlandse Canon en ondergebracht bij stichting Sinds 2014 wordt de website beheerd door het Nederlands Openluchtmuseum. In 2020 is de Canon van Nederland herijkt door de commissie Kennedy. Bij die gelegenheid is hernoemd in